D. Teaching Practice


1.1. Procedures of Teaching

Related to the teaching system that was presented in the previous chapter. Laboratory Science High School conducts its learning activities based on the 7E model, which includes: Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. There is also a reflection that teachers need to fill out. Here is an explanation of the 7E stages, including:

1.      Elicit: At this stage, the teacher reviews previous lessons or presents new lessons. Teachers usually add trigger questions to find out how far students understand the previous material. 

2.      Engage: The teacher explains the lesson objectives (objectives) and presents examples/examples of the relationship between the material to be studied.

3.      Explore: Students discuss new concepts and practice new skills

4.      Explanation: Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment)

5.      Elaborate: find practical applications of concepts and skills in everyday life; generalize and abstract about the lesson

6.      Evaluate: grading students’ improvement

7.      Extend: This stage is given if additional needs are needed, in the form of remedial or enrichment if necessary

During teaching practice, I put the 7 teaching stages into 3 main activities, namely: opening activity (10 minutes), core activity (100 minutes), and closing activity (10 minutes).

The opening activity stage consists of:

1.      Orientation (Elicit)

v Doing the opening with an opening greeting, giving thanks to God Almighty and praying to start learning

v Checking the presence of students as a disciplinary attitude

2.      Appreciation (Elicit)

v Linking material/themes/learning activities to be carried out with the experiences of students with previous materials/themes/activities

v Recalling prerequisite material by asking questions.

v Asking questions that are related to the lesson to be carried out.

3.      Motivation (Engage)

v Providing an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in everyday life.

v Delivering learning objectives at the meeting that took place

v Asking question


4.      Giving Reference (Engage)

v Notifying the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.

v Informing about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and standard minimum score at ongoing meetings

v Informing reference book we will use

v Explaining the mechanism for implementing learning experiences according to the learning steps


Next is the core activity, namely the core activities carried out during learning activities. The core activity stages consist of:


1.      Stimulation (stimulation / giving stimulation) (Explanation)

Giving relevant example we can find in our daily life

2.      Problem statement (question/identification problem) (Explore)


Critical Thinking

Teacher gives chance on participant educate For identify pictures / videos that have been served.

v Giving chance to student for ask

v Submit question

3.      Organizing Students in learning (Explore)


Activity Literacy

Participant educate gather relevant information. For answer question that has been identified through activity:

v Students listen explanation from the teacher


Collaboration work

Teacher distributes questions for students for activity. It can be a games or Quiz

v Student discuss together group

4.      Processing work/data (Explore)

v Students and their groups discuss looking for answer / observational data that are in accordance with the given worksheet

v The teacher facilitates the learning process is carried out by guiding students when they experience difficulties in answering worksheet

v Students and their groups write the results.

5.      Verification (proof) (Elaborate)

v Students and teacher together discuss answer questions that have been done by participant educate.

v Teacher gives chance on student for submit results worksheet discussion


At the closing activity stage, it consists of:

v  Generalization

-          Telling the conclusion today’s learning

v  Closing

-          Giving homework to students as a form of deepening review of the material

-          Closing the lesson with prayer

1.2. Time Management and Organizing Activities

For each meeting, mathematics learning activities have a time allocation of 120 minutes. I divided my time into three sessions, where the first session (opening activity) was for 10 minutes, the second session (core activity) was for 100 minutes, and the last session (closing activity) was for 10 minutes.

For the core activity I allocated time:

1.      Stimulation (stimulation / giving stimulation) (Explanation). (40 minutes)

2.      Problem statement (question/identification problem) (Explore). (10 minutes)

3.      Organizing Students in learning and processing work (Explore) Processing work/data (Explore). (40 minutes). We can use the activity with games or Quiz.

Fig 6. Game Activity on Math

4.      Verification (proof) (Elaborate). (10 minutes)

1.3. Classroom Management

At the beginning of the meeting, the teacher needs to establish classroom agreements, such as how to ask questions, how to request permission, and how many minutes the class will start after the subject change. In the lesson plan (RPP), all activities are student-centered, and the teacher's role here is that of a facilitator. As a facilitator, the teacher explains the material and provides verbal and written instructions on the student activity sheets. Instructions for each activity are presented in advance on a PowerPoint presentation, so students can easily ask if anything is unclear.

When discussions and activities begin, the teacher monitors the progress of the activities and discussions. In this case, the teacher needs to manage the classroom conditions so that the activities can run smoothly, and the learning objectives can be achieved. If the allocated time for an activity is up, but the students have not finished, providing additional time can be considered, as forcing students to move on to the next stage will only make it more difficult for them. The importance of flexibility while still adhering to the competency standards to be achieved is crucial.

To prevent the learning process from becoming monotonous, it is a challenge for teachers to make activities enjoyable during discussions or as warm-ups by providing icebreaking activities. Icebreaking can also be related to the topic to be discussed, but it needs to be adapted to the context.

1.4. Problem-solving while Teaching and Staying in The Designated School

I completed all the lesson plan activities at each meeting because I could manage the time given. The time given was sometimes not enough because it needed quite a long time to discuss. So sometimes the discussion was continued at the next meeting. Another factor why sometimes the time required was less was because the level of education that I taught was 7th grade junior high school, which was the transition from elementary school to high school. Students in grade 7 had a lot of energy and were very active in asking questions and discussing, so it required a little more effort to condition the class.

Some students also had a little difficulty understanding questions written in English, so sometimes they asked their friends for help to translate them into Tagalog, which was easier to understand. Overall, they were able to understand the material well, as seen from the results of the quizzes they took individually.
